After a bit of a sleep, Rossi and I were ready to jump right into the Masters Cup. deth on the other hand chose to stay awake and practice after the IPL & NASL Online Qualifiers earlier this morning, before an entire day at work. He arrived home from work about 30 minutes before the Masters Cup began, somehow still awake! Pinder was supposed to play, however he chose to study for an exam he'll be sitting on Tuesday. Unfortunately YoonYJ was forfeit, due to still being away celebrating his girlfriends' birthday! (He didn't arrive home until ~9:00PM)
Pinder and I played a few practice games before the event, and he showcased a very clever new build he was developing. I was really impressed! We both discussed it quite a bit, and came to the conclusion that he was walking a fine line between "Genius" and "Insane" with this build. ;)
I can't wait to see him showcase it in a tournament!
I managed to take one game off him, but lost the rest, playing very poorly. Things weren't looking good for the Masters Cup.
Anywho, with myself and 2 of the 3 Terran titans competing in the bracket, here are the results.
ROUND 1 (Bo1)
(T) Nv.deth 1-0 CoolBeans (P)
(T) Nv.deth 1-0 CoolBeans (P)
(Z) Nv.Dox 0-1 WeryNg (P)
(T) Nv.Rossi BYE
ROUND 2 (Bo1)
(T) Nv.deth 1-0 Zixma (Z)
(T) Nv.Rossi 1-0 iRL.ProAnnn (P)
ROUND 3 (Bo3)
(T) Nv.deth 2-0 FlashRevz (Z)
(T) Nv.Rossi 2-0 Xenomorph.SPR (Z)
ROUND 4 (Bo3)
(T) Nv.deth 1-2 iRL.Drake (T)
(T) Nv.Rossi 2-1 xGKing.Pokerface (Z)
ROUND 5 (Bo3)
(T) Nv.Rossi 1-2 GoSu.Tgun (Z)
So unfortunately deth's fatigue eventually kicked in, having been operating on 2 hours all day. I was glad to see him finally commit to some sleep after being eliminated. ;)
Rossi had a fantastic run through the bracket, finding himself up against tgun's extremely powerful Ling/Infestor play. With some great Blue Flame Hellions, Rossi managed to take game #1, but fell in the two following games. Well played by tgun, I really enjoyed watching this series!
As for me, my early exit from the tournament was pretty embarrassing. After a streak of losses in practice prior to the tournament, I didn't have high hopes. But as it turned out, I was crushing my opponent - 5 bases to 2 - with 200 supply of Roach/Infestor/Ultralisk. He ended up turtling at the top of his ramp with 70 supply of Immortals/Stalkers/Colossi with a single hex choke - I was dumb enough to attack into it because I thought the game was over. He killed my extremely expensive army and counter-attacked before I could muster up enough reinforcements to end the game. Very sloppy and disappointing. Fortunately I was able to spend the rest of the evening listening to the wonderful Zepph casting alongside Meatex.
So with YoonYJ now back home, and Pinder 2 days away from his exam, I expect we'll have more updates from those two later in the week! I'm sure we'll see more of YoonYJ on Tuesday night as he represents team aLt in the SEACL!
I feel like it's only fair to include some sort of interesting chat log with each entry, since I did that for the last two. I don't have anything from the team this time, but I do have this gem:
[1:12:34 AM] NvDox: OMG
[1:12:42 AM] SQLTtinFeZa: yes
[1:12:44 AM] NvDox: i was just in the shower right
[1:12:46 AM] SQLTtinFeZa: i am up for this
[1:12:47 AM] NvDox: thinking of chad and yang
[1:12:48 AM] NvDox: like you do
[1:12:49 AM] NvDox: anyway
[1:12:52 AM] NvDox: i put their names together
[1:12:55 AM] NvDox: and it was
[1:12:55 AM] NvDox: CHANG
[1:12:57 AM] NvDox: and it was amazing
[1:13:01 AM] NvDox: and i had to run here to tell you guys
[1:13:07 AM] SQLTtinFeZa: LOL
[1:13:08 AM] SQLTtyang: ....
[1:13:08 AM] Kalikah: were you twisting your nipples
[1:13:11 AM] SQLTtinFeZa: CHAAAAANG
[1:13:14 AM] SQLTtinFeZa: Chang
[1:13:14 AM] NvDox: of course i was
[1:13:17 AM] NvDox: that was rhetorical right?
[1:13:23 AM] TAChadMann: CHAAAAAANG
[1:13:30 AM] Maynarde: CHANGMANN
[1:13:32 AM] TARogue: w t f
[1:13:34 AM] TAChadMann: btw.. you dressed yet?.. or just in a towel?
[1:13:39 AM] SQLTtinFeZa: changman the chinese chicken
[1:13:39 AM] SQLTtyang: or not
[1:13:41 AM] TAChadMann: cause that'd be sxc
[1:13:46 AM] NvDox: i'm going back to finish my shower now
[1:13:46 AM] NvDox: bbl
[1:13:49 AM] Kalikah: dox had to change his towel a few times
[1:13:53 AM] TAChadMann: HAHAA
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